Clean and Green Lawn Care, LLC
Clean and Green Lawn Care, LLC
Trust us...the grass really is greener on the other side....when you water it -
Trust us...the grass really is greener on the other side....when you water it -
A major "Thank you" goes out to our current customer base.
We could not of achieved this without you.
Voted best new business 2011 - 2016
Voted best new business 2011 - 2016
Our mission is simple: To provide with you the best turf care and customer service in the industry. We are nothing like the other lawn companies who market with awful mailers, try to sell you on how running an estimate the same day makes you a great choice of service (This is something a company should be doing any), the "pay one bill" statement which does not make sense due to numerous payment-platform services, discounted services before the sale and annoying lawn signs which break and are left on your property for months. Our additions are strictly from word-of-mouth, Clean and Green has quickly become one of the premier turf-care companies in the area. When we finally market, it will be fun and to offer potential clients a real approach to turf-care.
Thank you very much for taking the time to visit our website. It would be an absolute pleasure to provide you with fantastic turf-care maintenance, for we deliver a passionate, educated, unique approach to turf-care.
Clean and Green was formed in 2011 to offer a level of service other companies never will. In addition, our prices are very comparable to what it would cost to do it yourself.
Our thought process is our results will be the only marketing tool ever needed; anyone could say they are the best in an advertisement. The fact is ninety-seven percent of our customer base is referred from our existing clients, we have been blessed. Our retention statistics will never be rivaled; for we provide a level of customer service the lawn and landscape industry cannot achieve. This especially is the case for our popular turf-care companies the common home-owner thinks they are stuck with. Guess what---you're not.
Thank you again for visiting the website. If interested in a complimentary lawn diagnosis please visit the "contact us" page. If you are shopping around for a fertilizer company, make sure you ask them if they are properly licensed to apply fertilizer in New Jersey, one must also be licensed through NJDEP as well. If a company will not furnish such evidence; do not hire them.
Please see below, not only do we provide a variety of services, but we have aligned ourselves with tremendous companies which provide other services as well. We have been referring them for over 15 years.
Our services include:
Our services include:
- Custom Turf-Care Programs / Fertilization
- Flea & Tick Control
- Grub Control / Prevention
- Weed Control
- Aerate / Seeding
- Lawn Renovation / Sod
- Soil Amending
Visit the "contact us" page for a complimentary lawn diagnosis.
Family Owned - DEP #: 90046B - Fully Insured
Visit the "contact us" page for a complimentary lawn diagnosis.
Family Owned - DEP #: 90046B - Fully Insured